Beyond Boundaries Collective

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Beyond Boundaries Collective

Opening hours

5457 Twin Knolls Road, Oakland Mills
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Our Booking PolicyAll demo day bay bookings require additional confirmation. You will receive a call to confirm your date. If you need to reschedule your appointment please do so within 48 hours of your appointment date.



Learn More about BBC

. Duration:15 mins··. Price:Free

A Demo Day of BBC

. Duration:4 hrs··. Price:Free

Progress Review Meeting

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:Free

Strategic Partnership Call

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:Free

Consultation for Maryland's Homeschooling Legal Requirements

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:Free



Beyond Boundaries Collective is an empowerment-centered educational community for families that seek to homeschool or choose a non-traditional education.

We believe in nurturing a thriving educational community that empowers homeschooling families to take charge of their child's learning journey in the core learning subjects: language arts, math, STEM, social studies, health & wellness, and entrepreneurship.

We offer an in-person learning environment for learners ages 6-12.

When confirming an appointment with us we will disclose our in-person location address. We currently only publish our administrative office address.

We look forward to meeting you.

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